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Video Instruction: The Post Shot Routine With Jeff Overholt
You may be familiar with the idea of a pre-shot routine but what about after? Here the Director of Instruction at The Harvest Golf Club takes you through this part of your performance routine...
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Video Transcript For Reference
I'm Jeff Overholt, Director of Instruction at the Harvest Club. Today I'm going to talk to you about another component of our performance routine - the post shot.
After we hit a golf shot is an opportunity where we can create memories that are either going to serve us well or not serve us as well depending on how we manage our emotions after we hit the shot.
So what you're going to do here is we're going to create a physical line that I want you to start working with. This will ensure that we've got this awareness of how we're reacting after the shot.
Anytime we put an emotion with an experience it creates a memory. This is a survival mechanism that we have to be aware of that can work to our advantage or disadvantage in golf.
So, what we're going to do here is you're going to hit a shot. After you hit the shot, we're going to physically walk in front of the golf ball.
This post shot area is really something that doesn't have a line to it, but I'd like you to train it adding a physical component where you're moving into this different area.
I'm going to hit a shot and then walk into this area. I'm going to find something that I did well with either the outcome of the shot or the process of hitting the shot.
So as an example, I could have said "I hit that shot with really solid contact" or "I felt like I really stayed engaged with a feeling in my hands."
And what that move did was that it anchors the shot into my subconscious which creates this very functional memory that I can use in the future.
The next time I have a similar experience, that's what the brain is going to find and remember, so you can start by doing some purposeful walk throughs where you're loading something positive.
Another way that you can do this as well is you can walk and try to be very neutral.
Anytime we don't have an emotion, we don't really remember the experiences vividly.
So let's imagine that I hit a shot that didn't work out as well. I could then walk into my post shot and then try to say something very neutral.
The dialogue as a neutral statement could be something like "my ball was short", or "the ball went right" as an example.
And again, it doesn't have any emotion. It's very objective, it is just what is happening.
If you start to work and train this post shot experience with functional memories that serve us well you will start to see you'll have more confidence as a golfer and you'll also see that your outcomes those shots will start to reflect it.
More videos from Jeff:
Pre-Shot Routine
The Proper Posture
About Jeff...
Jeff is a PGA of Canada Class “A” member and certified coach for New Competitors with numerous certifications related to athlete development. Jeff was recently awarded the 2022 PGA of BC “Teacher of the Year” for the Interior Section and brings with him 15 years experience coaching juniors, NCAA, mini-tour and masters level athletes.
Jeff offers comprehensive and holistic player development programs at the Harvest Club with players receiving support related to their technical, physical, mental, and tactical skills development. Jeff creates an “athlete-centered” learning environment and provides players with a framework for skill development which is grounded in science, backed by decades of bio-mechanical research, and designed for those who want to challenge their potential.
Jeff was previously the co-owner of the Toronto based coaching group, Golf Performance Coaches (GPC). GPC has emerged as a leader in junior golf coaching in Canada and supports both players and coaches on their journey in golf.
Jeff has his undergraduate degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa and has won numerous PGA awards for his work with juniors as well as the emergence of coach development in golf. More specifically, Jeff was awarded the PGA of Ontario “Coach of the Year” in 2013 and the PGA of Canada “Junior Leader” award in 2014.
As a compliment to his time at Harvest outdoors, Jeff runs off-season coaching programs at his indoor coaching studio.
For more, visit or you can contact Jeff directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.