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‘Super’ Dogs: Meet The Best Friends Of Many B.C. Golf Course Superintendents

By Brad Ziemer, British Columbia Golf

We’ll start with the obvious: The subjects of this story are all very good boys and girls. They are also very lucky dogs.

What a life they live. Up before the crack of dawn and free to run all day on the golf course with their owners.

Those owners — golf course superintendents all over British Columbia — are lucky as well. They get to go to work with their best friends, who often ride shotgun in their Gators when they are not racing alongside.

Golf, Played Well... Or Not So Well, Has Immense Health Benefits

By Brad Ziemer, British Columbia Golf

It was another frustrating day on the golf course, where a round that had shown considerable early promise was derailed once again by sloppy play. But my numbers were not all bad. Despite my less than stellar score, there were some positives about that recent round at Peace Portal Golf Course in Surrey.

When I checked the step counter on my phone, it told me that I had taken more than 13,000 steps during the round and walked about nine kilometres. (Clearly, I did not hit every shot straight down the middle).

Trail, BC’s Loretta Bulfone To Receive Sport BC Presidents Award

Loretta Bulfone

The President’s Awards are presented annually to volunteers from Sport BC member organizations who represent the spirit of volunteerism, and whose dedication, energy, and commitment contribute to the development of their sport or organization.

Sport BC member organizations are eligible to recognize one volunteer per year. British Columbia Golf is pleased and proud to announce that Trail, BC’s Loretta Bulfone will be a 2020 Presidents Award recipient at the annual dinner and awards presentation.